Miss USA Didn’t Evolve from Apes

Well, at least 44 of them didn’t.

‎”I don’t believe in evolution”? We should teach “both sides of the story”? How is evolution considered a religious issue? And when did the Bible become a science book? And why does nobody understand the word “theory” in the context of science? And why did I actually watch this entire stupid video? (I can answer that last one: my irrational enjoyment of irritainment.)


At least Misses Connecticut, California, New Mexico, Vermont, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and South Dakota gave somewhat reasonable answers.


  1. I saw that too. Was no way I was going to watch the whole thing through though. You’re nuts.

    To be fair to the contestants, who are programmed to give the most all-inclusive, non-offensive, super-PC, generic-as-f* answers to try to win, I think they asked the wrong question. It should have been as to whether or not ID should be taught, not evolution. Last I checked, that was the controversy, no?

  2. True (about generic answers), but Miss CA clearly supported teaching evolution and I think she won. I don’t get why people can’t incorporate the fact (not “some guy’s random theory”) of evolution with their religious beliefs — at least one of them suggested that God could’ve created the world through evolution.