GOP: Super-Rich > 9/11 Responders

Apparently, the super-rich are highest on the Republican’s priority list, even higher than the 9/11 first responders they claim to love so much. “Since when does the Republican party make 9/11 first responders stand over in the corner with the gays and Mexicans?” Can it be more obvious that Republican’s core principle = money? (And …

Human Parking Cone

SNL is hit or miss (OK, lots of misses) but the “human parking cone” was one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a while.

Ugly URLs, Hand Models, and the Costanzas

Roger Ebert has a pretty active Twitter account with often interesting links. However, I noticed that links to his personal Sun Times blog sometimes have ugly or bizarre URLs. This one was especially bad, with the page being not-quite-HTML-code for four nonbreaking spaces (emphasis mine, obviously): I wasn’t sure what point I was going …

Sen. Bernie Sanders: The rich are waging war on America

Finally, a politician that doesn’t sound like a clueless idiot in the pockets of corporations. Not surprisingly, he’s an Independent. For all our sakes, I really hope his colleagues listen to him. Many of my Republican colleagues tell me, “Oh, I’m so concerned about our record-breaking deficit… But wait a minute, it’s very important that …

“Werner Herzog” Reads…

I didn’t know who German filmmaker Werner Herzog was until I recently saw Grizzly Man. (Sidenote: that movie was not what I expected.) Now that I’m familiar with him, I find these readings of children’s books by “Herzog” hilarious: “Werner Herzog Reads Mike Mulligan And His Steam Shovel” “Werner Herzog Reads Curious George”


Jill was watching this tonight and I had to include it. Funny stuff… If I remember correctly, when disagreement was expressed about [Bush’s] actions when y’all were in power, I believe the response was: “Why do you hate America? Watch what you say. Love it or leave it. Suck on my Truck Nutz.” The Daily …

Mighty Snake

Amelia drew a picture and told the story of Mighty Snake. I took her drawing and recorded story, then put it all together in iMovie. You can see the result here…