Project 365: June

I’m at the halfway point of Project 365, which I only recently realized is actually Project 366 thanks to this being a leap year. (Figures I pick a year that’s 1 day longer to start this daily photo thing…)

You’ll see that I continue to take a bunch of photos in my gardens, which I actually like. Nearly every day I spend some time walking around, and while I used to think it was a bit silly to look at my plants so often — really, how much can plants change in a day? — there was always a lot to see (and smell). Taking a lot of garden photos throughout the year gives me a good overview of how things change and when things are blooming, which helps my planning. (I was actually considering just a “Gardens 365” project for 2013, but I think the winter months would be too difficult.)

Anyway, here they are: June’s photos. Click through to view larger versions.