Walking is the Best Exercise

Well, as a “sedentary person” who is finally (now that the snow and cold weather is gone) getting out and walking again, I was happy to read What’s the Best Exercise? (NY Times):

[I]n general, a sedentary person’s risk of dying prematurely from any cause plummeted by nearly 20 percent if he or she began brisk walking (or the equivalent) for 30 minutes five times a week. If he or she tripled that amount, for instance, to 90 minutes of exercise four or five times a week, his or her risk of premature death dropped by only another 4 percent… “I personally think that brisk walking is far and away the single best exercise,” said Michael Joyner, M.D.

Related: good luck to all the Boston Marathoners tomorrow! I don’t have the knees (among many other things) for that kind of run, but I will enjoy my 30-minute walk…definitely not in the same league distance-wise, but at least it might keep me alive a bit longer.