The Beatles Rock Band Cinematic

The cinematic for the upcoming Beatles Rock Band game is very cool: great visual style that grows with the band as it summarizes their entire career in under 3 minutes. The LA Times had a good article about it, breaking down some of the imagery and metaphors in it.

Somewhat-hidden in the cinematic are numerous “placements” of Beatles songs: Handbills mention “Come Together,” “Benefit of Mr. Kite,” “Rocky Racoon” [sic], “Maggie Mae,” “Carry That Weight,” and others. The group runs down the street past Maxwell’s Silver Sundries into a pub, which has the “Mean Mr. Mustard” lyrics scrawled over the door, the all day breakfast price of “1 & 1 is 2” (but shouldn’t that be “1 & 1 & 1 is 3”? Nope…see update below), and menu items like “Honey Pies” and “Savoy Truffle.” In the car-turned-plane Ringo has a box of goodies from Strawberry Fields Farms, and dashing onstage you see a typewriter and paper on the ground while “Paperback Writer” plays. A lot of little details are in this very detailed mini-movie.

Update: This blog has a much more detailed annotation of the cinematic — there’s way more than I had originally noticed. Also, “One and One is Two” is an old song I never heard of; I was thinking it was a misquoted lyric from “Come Together” … of course Harmonix would never make such an easy mistake!